Working at the intersection of social impact and food systems

About FSC

Sitting between the public and private sectors, Food Systems Collaborative (FSC) is a consultancy focused on helping corporations scale and implement food donation processes, including: building custom standard operating practices for food donation, finding non-profit partners, unlocking tax benefits for food donation, and more! It also helps companies create food systems-related SER and social impact strategies, specifically to showcase how brands can engage with public policy as a means for both social good and customer engagement. 

Want the scoop on food policy?

The Food Policy Debrief sheds much-needed light on how corporations and organizations can engage with progressive food policy. Join us once a month as we provide news updates, demystify policy, and provide opportunities for advocacy!

What’s on the Menu?

📌 Fresh News Bites: Stay up-to-date with quick and concise insights into the ever-evolving world of food policy.

📘 Policy Made Easy: Unpack complex policy matters and gain a clear understanding and roadmap -without the jargon.

🤝 Get Involved: Discover actionable steps for your organization to make a meaningful impact through advocacy and engagement.

Talk to Us

Have something food policy-related you want to share? Reach out us using the link below or join the Food Systems Collaborative Community Hub here! We’ll be checking the #policy channel regularly for tips and story ideas, so keep ‘em coming.